Of all the things in the world to not understand, Miley Cyrus does not "get" Glee. She just, like, doesn't get it, ya'll.
“Honestly, musicals? I just can’t.” This is what she told People. Apparently, she has an issue suspending her disbelief.
You know what I don't get? This whole situation. How can you be Miley Cyrus, spawn of the modern-day tween idol machine known as "Disney", not "get Glee? You can't suspend your disbelief for a well-written program about a high school club of misfits who find great joy in singing, but you can for a half hour show about a teen girl who can completely change her identity simply by donning a terrible blonde wig? Really? It was such a clever guise. And, not only that, but she's an internationally known pop star when she's wearing that wig! Best of both worlds, right Miley?
Miley and Hannah Montana...same speech impediment and same FACE! I know people can be stupid, but I find it absolutely unbelievable that those high school students didn't make the connection. If one of their members happened to be moonlighting as a popstar in "disguise" you'd best bet the other Glee kids would pick up on that shit in an instant!
"Climb" on that, Miley!
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