Look at her.

There she is, our old friend, Jen. Remember...she was on that show about some friends? And it was charming and great for the 90's and all that jazz. Then she did movies and none of them were good and that was sad. But, could you hate her? Apparently so. Jennifer Aniston recently said, "Women are realizing it more and more, knowing that they don't have to settle with a man just to have that child," ... "Love is love and family is what is around you and who is in your immediate sphere."
People. Are. Freaking. Out.
I. Do. Not. Understand.
For starters, who cares what she says? She's Jennifer Aniston. It isn't as if she runs our country. Wait... does she?! Yet people want to lash out at her for various reason, all of which seem pretty ridiculous when analyzed. And nothing pleases me more than analyzing stupid shit other people say. It is as if I have a crap ton of time on my hands. Here is some of the backlash Jen has received this week:
1- She is dishonoring all the men out there who are good fathers. Nothing feels better on a hot summer's day than putting words into someone's mouth. See, Jennifer Aniston isn't dishonoring men who are great fathers, because Jennifer Aniston did not say jack shit about men who are great fathers. She is simply stating a fact: There are women out there who are raising children alone. They have the means, they are single, and they are still raising well-rounded children. Newsflash! It is 2010. No one knows the Cleavers anymore. There are all kinds of singles out there raising kids alone... men and women. Do women need a man physically present in order to have a baby? Not after insemination, they don't. Would it be ideal? Yes. But is it possible to raise a child as a single mom and still bring positive male influences into its life? Absolutely.
To say that Aniston is dishonoring men who are good dads by saying this is like saying she puts down all women who choose to go through their lives without starting families at all. It is irrelevant, because that's not what the quote is about. Stop putting words in her mouth.
2-Teenagers who read this will think it is okay to have a baby. What? I'm sorry, let me repeat that. WHAT?! Not only is this a complete and utter head-up-your-ass statement but, even if Jen announced on Oprah to all teens they should get pregnant and be single moms, I'd call bullshit. Why? What teenagers are listening to the words of Jennifer Aniston? That's why. Bogus. If a teen girl reads the words of a celebrity and decides to follow them like gospel, the issues are deep-rooted and lie with the parents (or parent). Celebrities are not here to raise your children. They are here to be annoying and distract us from the world's real problems. Use your heads, please.
3-She's in that place because she's in her 40's and hasn't found Mr. Right. All I could think of for this segment is "Fuck you," but that seems really immature and as stupid as the statement itself. Why is the media still painting Aniston as this desperate woman who can't land a man? Maybe, just maybe, girl doesn't want a man. And, you know what? This is perfectly acceptable as she was married before to an actor who cheated on her. It isn't as if one of Angie's tattoos sprang to life and snatched poor, wittle Brad into her orbit. Just because those two are adopting orphans from here to Mars and feeding the hungry and building homes for folks doesn't mean they're...saints...necessarily. (Okay. Fine. They're good people. Still, though, there was infidelity.) If my ex was an actor who cheated on me with his co-star while on location some where, I'd be a little gun shy about jumping into another relationship for sure. Wouldn't anyone? Especially if that person is in a business where all she meets other actors... you know...people who are often shooting films on location...away... where it is easy to cheat?
Is she less of a woman because she chooses to remain single? No. And to hell with you if you think so. Girl seems happy. Leave it alone.
Let us not forget the most important thing of all... Jennifer Aniston, though she may not be a good one, is an actress. She has a new movie coming out. That movie is about a woman in her 40's who decides to inseminate herself so she can have a kid, because she is not married and wants to be a mom. Hmm... I wonder if her recent quotes have anything to do with promoting a movie? How odd! Man, with the economy the way that it is, if Elijah Wood were promoting Lord of the Rings right now, I'd verbally abuse the hell out of him if he chatted nonchalantly about tossing some gold into a fiery pit. What a fucker.
My point? Jennifer Aniston said a thing that isn't very important, so shut up. She's simply stating that women are independent and can do shit on their own and that the nuclear family, though ideal, is not going to exist in every situation where children are concerned. I find it a bit of an insult to the feminist movement that she should be attacked for saying such things. Quite frankly, I'd rather be smacked on the ass by my boss and called "hot lips" as thanks for a job well done.
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