So...Lady Gaga. I've talked about it. She used to bother me. Some catchy songs, yes, but I used to find the spectacle that surrounds her completely obnoxious. As a gay man trapped in a woman's body, I didn't quite understand why I just didn't get her when all my friends seemed to worship her, hanging on every word and move that she made. I am now indifferent to it. Whatever. She's a pop star. Why do I care?
Ke$ha. Another one. A slutty little twit who used to be a nerd in junior high sing talking to a song that has a really catchy chorus. Why do I care? She's a pop star.
Guess what. Gay men care. They do. Big time.
I have a friend on Facebook who has been on the Gaga train since day one. On January 26th, his Facebook status was: "WOW @ Ke$ha "TiK ToK" breaking Lady Gaga's one week spin record on Top 40 radio this week...what a $lut!!!"
I thought very little of this. He's a diehard Gaga follower and she is his new goddess, therefore anyone who beats her at anything, well, he is simply anti that person. And I get that.
For over a year, I've watched Perez Hilton post Lady Gaga quotes as if they are the word of a really important political figure or perhaps even a demigod. These are posted regardless as to whether or not they are really important. Did Lady Gaga talk about Prop 8? Post it! Oh, shit! She talked about cream cheese on a bagel? Put that on there! Wait! Lady Gaga saw a cat this morning? OMG!
I am just fascinated by her power. Every move she makes is described as "brilliant" and "fabulous" because she is doing it! She could take a dump on a hobo and a gay pride parade would come flying out of her ass. After the fecal matter, of course.

Case in point, my friend on Facebook again...February 26th, he posts a photo of Lady Gaga leaving Zuma in London with a pair of three foot pair of horns on her head. He writes, "LMAO. A 3 foot pair of horns!!! LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!"
And people comment: "I love her to pieces."
Today...he writes the following: " Ke$ha wears her placenta around her neck for second sight?! WTF"
Well, I think both these bitches are crazy, but hear me out. At least Ke-dollar sign-HA (This is what I prefer to address her.) has a bullshit reason for wearing her placenta. Lady Gaga, however, gave no excuse whatsoever for going out to dinner looking like a well-dressed ram. She just did it. And, I'm sorry, she looked like a maniac. You know for a fact if Lady Gaga decided to wear her placenta, he'd be all about it.
So how is it she can get away with so much and slutty little Ke-dollar sign-HA gets away with so little? Afterall, she probably believes gays and lesbians deserved the right to marry as well. (I don't know that for certain, just projecting.) Also, just like Gaga, she seems to have an inexplicable aversion towards wearing pants.
What is the difference? What fairy dust was sprinkled upon Gaga's head, when did it happen, can I have some, and why won't she share with Ke$ha? I am not attacking, I am simply asking. Because, let's face it, musically at least, Gaga and Ke$ha are more alike than they are different.
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