Look at this effing cat.
It isn't mine, but man do I wish mine would take some initiative! I mean, what a great photo!
I am neither a dog, nor a cat person. I am an animal person. I love them all. Except snakes...get the hell out of here with those. I understand there are people who don't "get" cats, but I'll be damned if I'm going to ever see eye-to-eye with a person who just flat out hates them. If anything, they've just been meeting the wrong cats.
Case in point: this little idiot here, wearing this contraption on its head and looking as dignified as ever. It's as if it were intentional. Put that on a dog's head and it will give you a look as if to say, "Oh, man, I am such a goofball. Aren't I? Am I not the biggest goof?"
But, this cat is just like, "Yeah. I'm wearing this. And? You still want to pet me. You're into it. And why shouldn't you be? I look damn good!"
It doesn't matter what the cat does, it will do it with grace and dignity. I'd even go so far as to say, when it comes to fashion, cats are the Lady Gaga of the animal kingdom. They will wear some crazy bullshit with pride seeking only your attention and never your approval.
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