Nearly three years ago now, on the anniversary of John Lennon's death, I decided I wanted some sort of Beatles inspired tattoo. I needed something small, I didn't particularly want words, and I wanted it to mean something to me. My kick ass mom helped me land on the idea of the strawberry.
"Strawberry Fields Forever" has always been one of my favorites. When I was very young, I hid behind a tree as I watched other children play at a birthday party. This birthday girl ended up being my classmate and, on her 18th, we watched that video. It wasn't until then that I realized, "Oh, guess I've always assumed other kids thought I was weird." The line in the song, "no one I think, is in my tree" speaks volumes now.
Here is what John Lennon said about "Strawberry Fields Forever":
"I was hip in kindergarten...I was different all my life. The second verse goes 'No one I think is in my tree.' Well, I was too shy and self-doubting. No one seems to be as hip as me is what I'm saying. Therefore-I must be crazy or genius. . . 'I mean it must be high or low' is the next line. There was something wrong with me, I thought, because I seemed to see things other people didn't see."

John Lennon said that shit the year I was born. I've always felt this strange connection to him because he was shot just three months after I was born, and my mom always talked about his death as if he'd been some long lost family member. Reading this quote about this particular song...this week, of all weeks! I rang in my birthday just over 24 hours ago by dishing about the Beatles at midnight...and this song was mentioned. And I explained why it was my favorite before I'd even read this quote.
I'm not trying to be dramatic, here. I just think... it's a little magical... and kind of fucking cool.
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