You may be calling us in regards to your own children, but we are not children answering the phones here. Adults, actually. I've been potty trained for quite some time.
Miss Uppity: I want to know something, and perhaps I'm looking at an old flier, but do you have children's programs?
Me: No, we don't.
Miss Uppity: You don't? Not the summer?
Me: There may be something lined up for summer, but I have not been made aware of that. So, as of right now, I would say, confidently, no. There are no plans to do anything like that.
Miss Uppity: Is it something that was recently cut?
Me: I'm not sure. Not that I am aware of.
Miss Uppity: Ugh. Are you kidding? Because it sounds grEAT. Have you been there when they've done this?
Me: No. I bet it is great.
Miss Uppity: Do you wanna hear this blurb about it that I'm reading?
Me: Uh. can read me the blurb.
Miss Uppity: Do you not want to hear it?!
Me: Go ahead and read it.
Miss Uppity: I got it from a Moms' group I'm in. It says "Kids can have fun and learn how to work with one another through improvisation training..."
Me: Oh, you mean training.
Miss Uppity: Well, yeah. Did I say something wrong?
Me: No, it was just, when you asked me I thought you were referring to a show.
Miss Uppity: Oh. No. Classes.
And the most condescending, degrading, I-Am-More-Accustomed-Speaking-to-Those-Ages-Five-and-Under tone you can imagine...
Miss Uppity: See?! You helped me. That's great! What is your name?
Me: Casey.
Miss Uppity: Casey! I'm Laura. Great! Can I get the number for where they teach the classes? Great.
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