Love is not a prepackaged notion, a candy heart, a card, or a dozen roses
Love is not hasty in its arrival, but rather comes precisely when it is meant to
Love can be incongruent with your life, but will find a way to match you
Love will make you popcorn when you are too lazy to move from the sofa, and not complain
Love will surprise you, shock you, bewilder you
Love will listen to you while you're crazy and not expect you to apologize
Love is not like some bottomless pit into which one falls forever, as a poet would have you believe, but rather something like a second skin that moves and changes along with you
Love is a dork
Love is fucking scary, but only because you have anxiety
Love almost always has ice cream in the freezer
Love knows when you need wine
Love will find a way to keep your neck warm
Love will just sit with you and watch movies, even if it wasn't necessarily what you wanted to do, because that is what you need
Love is complicatedly simple, not designated to a specific date, time, or moment
Love is something you can undoubtedly live without, because it does nothing for you that you have not been able to do yourself, but you want it there
Therein lies the beauty of the gross thing