Saturday, February 6, 2010

Iron-On Transfers: An analysis

I've had these transfers for a couple of years now. (Thank you, Tammy.)
And I never had a shirt for them. Until now...

So I dug them out of their safe haven and revisited them. They are amazing.

Ladies and gents...Miss Kitty Kat. Miss Kitty Kat, say 'hello' to the ladies and gents.

Here we have Miss Kitty Kat taking part in the standard household chore of sweeping the floor.

Please note it is much easier to clean your floors sans pants, but wearing an apron. (Oh, and P.S. "Shoo, floating, disembodied, kitty head! Get the hell outta here!")

The same goes for ironing.

Please note: Sans pants, bow around neck.

How about hanging out the wash?

Ah. Apron again, complete with a pouch for clothes pins.

Here's an interesting thing I didn't know. Kitties wear jackets (or perhaps this is a cardigan) while shopping for groceries. However, the afternoon frolic through the flowers requires...

BOOM! A full dress, complete with a hat, belt, pearls, and a handbag. I mean, she looks so put-together and fancy, so presentable. It's almost as if she's on her way to church. Right?

Wrong! This vixen praises and sings her hymns while she is straight-up, buck nude!

What a whore.

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